Sailboats To Go » Super Snark Sailboat Delivery, Assembly and Rigging Video



This is a work in progress but far enough along to start sharing.   It's a video that shows what it's like to buy a new Super Snark and have it delivered to your house.  Then it identifies all the parts and shows you how they go together.  Then it shows rigging and raising the sail.   It should be useful not just for the buyer of a new Snark but also those who pick them up at yard sales and don't know how to put them together.
Here is the whole video.
Below this are links to specific topics in the video so you don't have to watch the whole thing to find what you are looking for.  Or, you can browse through the video yourself by moving the slider rightward to skip sections or leftward to go back.  (Slider at bottom of video window)
It's a long video so below I provide links to specific sections, identified by topic.
Parts identification and assembly starts here:
Putting the sail on the spars:
Here is when I install the boom guide.
Mast cap:
Rudder assembly and connecting rudder to gudgeon with L-pin
Final Rigging:
5211 Mast extension for Super Snark, Sunflower or Sea Snark replaces mast cap - SAILBOATS TO GO EXCLUSIVE PRODUCT!
Get more headroom under your boom! This item replaces the mast cap and extends the top of your mast 6 inches. The mast cap is no longer needed because this extension has a beautiful stainless steel eye at the top for your halyard. Free shipping in lower 48 states. Having the boom higher also means you can heel over more without the boom hitting the water -- a great benefit for those who like to push the limits for sailing thrills! Fits standard OEM masts, not our own masts. A taller mast makes a big difference in comfort. Theoretically, it reduces stability a little, but the effect is so minor you probably will not even notice it. And, any time you want to revert to the original sail height, that's easily done.

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